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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary

1.  As I type this, my oldest son Calvin is just completing the 3 hour fire fighting test for the city of Akron Fire Department. As I understand it, if he passes this and the physical fitness test as well as some other challenges (carrying heavy loads and climbing ladders etc.) he will be eligible for hire on the department.  This would be a dream come true for him and it would also assure that at least for the foreseeable future, my boy will be in close proximity to the rest of the family!

Calvin told me that anyone who brought their cell phone into the test automatically flunked the reading portion of the exam – because the pre-exam directions said not to bring in any electrical devices!  Luckily Cal read them and left his phone in the car.  Phew!!

2.  On the other hand, Akron actually had a big hire back in 2008.  Calvin and I went to their jobs fair and they told him that he was ineligible because he was still a high school student.  We were a little glum about that.  Then a year or so later when the economy took a nose dive, they laid all of those rookie fire fighters off!  It’s funny how things work out sometimes.

3. I love, love LOVE this interview with Jamie Lee Curtis on the View – supporting her choice to let her hair go grey naturally!  She expresses exactly how I feel about letting my own dark locks turn silver.  Thanks for putting it into words Ms. Curtis!

4.  I think I’ve written before on this blog what an astute judge of character my sister is.

Apparently my little daughter is too.  A couple of years ago, my niece brought her boyfriend over so that we could meet him and for some reason, Rosie didn’t like him.  She didn’t want to sit next to him or talk to him and he had to work really really hard to win her over. Not that he ever did really win her over…any way, this young ( is there a nice way to say moron?) just broke my niece’s heart and I’m a little ticked about it.  And then I remembered Rosie’s reaction to this guy and a couple of other people that Rosie has met that have turned out to be good people to stay away from.  And I wonder if Rosie has her aunt’s intuitiveness?

I don’t know. But I think from now on all potential suitors should be given the Rosie analysis!

5.  Izzy’s confirmation retreat was this weekend – and she did just fine.  She had friends and people asking about her and she wasn’t left on the outside looking in!  She said she had fun too.  The only difficult part is that because of Izzy’s reading problems she couldn’t read all of the letters and cards people had sent her, although she could get some of it.  So when she got home, we huddled at the table together and I read them to her.  Her choir director gave her a very nice note and a St. Veronica medal to wear.  And another very sweet lady in the parish gave her a holy card of Our Lady of Guadaleupe, that her late husband had purchased on his last trip to Mexico.  I know how very special that was to her and it touched us that she gave that special card to Izzy.

So now it’s on to confirmation in a few weeks – but first we have to get through Rosie’s first confession!

6.  So I gave the talk to the confirmation girls again this year.  It’s so hard to tell if this was well received or or not.  The talk is after they have all spent the night together so they are tired. It’s also right before lunch – so they’re hungry too!  Still, I had one mom come up and thank me and one of the girls came up for the exact bible verse at the end of the talk, and one other girl thanked me at the very end of the day – so maybe it was alright.

Video uploading of the talk and will be available here!

7.  Mr. Pete is going to be away next weekend (although Cal will be here for security reasons).  And unfortunately I will have to give the Pre-Cana speech as a solo!!  I’m just a little sad about that because last time we gave the talk, it went so well with both of us.  Here’s a sample of our duet.  It’s going to be a long week figuring out how to go this one alone!

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