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Samthesecond son felt really crappy Thursday and Friday – so I got an appointment and….. ta da…. strep throat… again!! The gestapo receptionist wasn’t going to let me bring my other kids in to be checked but I said something to the doctor and she told her to let me bring em. The receptionist wasn’t very happy about that – I think she’s in the wrong line of work.

Anyway, I brought the other four who were feeling fine, no problems at all – and THEY ALL TESTED POSITIVE FOR STREP. Happy Mother’s Day.

So they are all on antibiotics. I feel fine. Pete feels fine but we’re not on antibiotics. I called my doctor about this but haven’t heard from her. Hopefully I won’t feel like crap tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, they’re all going to play soccer today (Sam if he feels like it) with the admonition to not share drinking bottles with any other players. Theoretically in the afternoon they won’t be contagious anymore.

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