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I did protest to Amanda at the Much Forgiveness (except for Catholics) blog. She deleted the comment (what is it with you people?) and then instead of e-mailing privately (isn’t that biblical?) took it to the front page of her blog:

So since Candy wont listen to your trolling on her blog so you come here to spew poison? You’ll find I wont give you any more an ear than she has. Her view of Catholicism comes from reading the BIBLE!!!! Something I would suggest you try. It would certainly be a much better use of your time than trolling. Please!!!! There is a big beautiful world out there Elena, please stop wasting your precious time with bitterness and gossip.

Just as a point of clarification:
1. I wasn’t trolling. I found her blog just like anyone else. Commented innocently and by the third time figured, “gee, she isn’t letting any of my comments through!”

2. I wasn’t “spewing” anything. I simply asked how much “thought” went into deleting challenging comments instead of discussing them directly.

3. Her view of Catholicism comes from Jack Chick.

4. “Something I would suggest you try.” LOL! I have bibles that are literally older than Amanda!

5. Of course I do agree that I have better things to do than come up with well constructed and thought out comments that young women refuse to read. I liked this one so I’m saving it here.


Amanda, I’ve been reading your blog and reading your story. You are 26 years old. I am 22 years older than you. I have been a Christian that entire time. I have been married longer than you have been living. When I was your age I never ever would have considered mocking or condoning bigotry and hatred towards another religious group, creed, nationality or race simply because it was different. It’s appalling that younger Christians who think they are being brilliant apologists can spew that stuff and think they’re acting in the name of Christ. You only have to look at Jesus’s interaction with the Samaritan woman as well as his parables to see that such a witness falls far short.

Biblically (a la Titus 2) you should at least consider what I have to say. Bigotry and hatred have no place on a Christian blog and yet you honor Candy for just that. What kind of witness does that give?

Of course disrespect is sort of a hallmark of your generation. I’m not surprised when I find it even on blogs dressed up with hearts and flowers. What a shame.

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