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Noah doing Geometry!

Eight years ago today, I had my last successful homebirth. Little Noah made his way into the world in the middle of my living room with his father, Dr. Starre, and my friend Mary in attendance. His three brothers, who were very bored with the whole labor thing, almost missed the birth because they went upstairs to play! But they made it down just in time to see him whooooosh into the world with one mighty push. Thus, to this day I am convinced that Calvin and Sam at least think childbirth is easy because the part they saw went so quickly!!

I have always been aware that Noah has a sensitive spot in the family. He was the fourth boy. His first sister came only 15 months after him. Now he has another little sister. Because of that I have tried to give him a little extra love and attention. He is also very sensitive. Even when he was a baby, if he saw another kid crying on t.v. he would cry too. He didn’t know why he was crying, but he was just very sympathetic. Sometimes because he is so sensitive his older brothers have teased him and called him a “mama’s boy.” Well, that’s okay. I guess you could say Jesus was a mama’s boy too! If you’re gonna make comparisons I guess that’s a good one to have!

So happy birthday Noah. My life is much richer for having you in it!

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