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Last night my husband and I were watching ER together. The character, Dr. Carter and his girlfriend lost a baby last season and in last night’s episode they went to the lake front and they said a few words and then scattered their baby’s ashes. Aaauuggghh, it was so sad!

I could never do that! It has been such a comfort to me to have a little gravesite with a maker and a vase to visit and take care of every week. (You can see our grave site and how it looked at Easter time on my home page link above.)

But more than that, I remember on the day of the burial the deacon commended an angel to come and be a guardian of the grave site. I wish I had those exact words and if anyone knows what they are please send them to me because I would like to save them! Anyway that stuck in my mind and in my mother’s heart. Since there are literally hundreds of babies buried in that part of the cemetery, I always feel a sense of holiness there, first because each baby died as a little saint, but also because a holy angel of God is there on duty, for each little grave site, 24/7. I do my best praying out there! A few times people have given me special intentions to deliberately pray out at this little cemetery, this little place of saints and angels, and I’m glad to do it.

And lastly, and this is probably more the practical mommie side of me, when the last day comes, the day of resurrection, I want to know EXACTLY where to find my little one, the one I never got to know, so that I can scoop him up for a first hug.

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