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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed on the Artist First Radio Network about homeschooling. You can listen to that interview right here.
2. One of my Facebook Friends wrote:

I have been hearing The whole “people should just stay home if they are at risk”. Saying this is like saying people who are afraid of dying in a car accident just shouldn’t get in a car…. you wear a seat belt to help protect yourself and your family…. you wear a mask and social distance for the same reason. 
Not to mention that the “just stay home” attitude is one of privilege.  
Some people who are afraid and at risk, have to work. 
Please think beyond your bubble.

I don’t really get the seat belt analogy. If you’re in your own seat belt, I guess it saves you from flying out of the car and landing on someone else if you get ejected. How often does that happen? Or if your friends and family are in the car with you, I guess a seat belt protects them from your body ricocheting inside of the car. But mainly, the seatbelt just keeps you safer.

Masks DO NOT KEEP YOU SAFER. I know everyone thinks that but ask yourself, if mask compliance is 97%, (as our governor has said for the last couple of weeks)) which is pretty high, why have cases gone up over 1000%? If 3% of the unmasked are causing the great surge in Ohio, how great can the masks really be?

Secondly telling people at risk with pre-conditions, overweight, or elderly that they should stay home to avoid COVID infection is not privilege, it’s virology and science. Protecting the vulnerable is what we should have done from the very start.

2. Our Governor Dewine today took one of our reporters, Jack Windsor to task today. The Gov said that if we take away the masks and the vaccines, we will have no protection against the virus. I have yet to hear him ever encourage Ohioans to work out, lower BMI, eat healthier, and take Vitamin C, D and zinc. Preventive measures are never, EVER recommended by our government officials.

3. I’m not taking that vaccine. One of the risks is a full-blown autoimmune response and as someone with ulcerative colitis that has been under great control for over 7 years, I’m not risking it. Other risks include Bell’s Palsy and anaphylactic shock. This is not a risk-free vaccine. None of them are. I especially don’t think this is a shot you should be getting at the drug store until more time has passed.

4. Miss C. made her first confession last week. We all masked up and went to church where three priests met the children as they trickled in.

So here’s one of the good parts of this pandemic stuff – it’s stripped away some of the stuff that DREs and parishes have imposed on families for years and gotten down to the bare bones of what needs to happen for a sacrament to be administered.

Anyway, she marched right up to our pastor and went mask-to-mask. Our brave girl.

My granddaughter's first confession on the feast of our lady of guadalupe.

5. Last week our pastor talked about a close encounter he was having with St. Joan of Arc. Apparently when cleaning and moving his office a prayer card of the saint kept popping up wherever he was working. In fact, it wouldn’t stay tucked away until he said the prayer on the back of the card! It seems so appropriate for the times that I’m sharing it here

In the face of your enemies, in the face of harassment, ridicule and doubt, you held firm to your faith.

Even in abandonment, alone and without friends, you held firm in your faith. Even as you faced your own mortality, you held firm to your faith. Dear Saint Joan, I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you were. I ask that you ride alongside me in all my battles.

Help me be mindful that what is worthwhile can be obtained when I persist. Help me hold firm in my faith. Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely. Amen.


So with Christmas and New Years rushing towards us, can the second semester be far behind? Now is the time to stock up on your curriculum needs while Apologia is having a sale!

Year End Sale

7. Looking for some fun notebooking paper for the holiday? These are pretty enough to print and include for a writing assignment or stuff into the Christmas cards with a note. And best of all – it’s free!

Christmas Notebooking Pages (FREE)
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