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Back in 2008, when President Obama was elected, I wrote this:

13 And the LORD said to me, “I have seen this people, and they are a stiff-necked people indeed! 14 Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven. And I will make you into a nation stronger and more numerous than they.”

Exodus 32:9

Indeed. Despite a booming economy, better trade deals, low unemployment, and a president who gives true transparency every day on his Twitter account, many Americans voted for the man hiding in the basement anyway. A small business woman I know told me how grateful she was to have a Biden presidency. When I pointed out that he wanted to raise taxes on her overall wealth and that the extra bite out her customer’s pockets might hurt her business, she looked as if she had never considered that.

And why should she? “Orange man bad” was what the media has been selling. Most people weren’t really pro-Biden. They were just against what they thought the Trump Presidency really was without looking at any of the facts.

Right now, it looks as if Joe Biden is the presumptive President-Elect. There will probably be contested ballot counts in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada. I don’t know what the outcome of that will be. It seems odd to me that President Trump could get 5 million more votes this time than last time at 71 million legal votes (he got 62,979,879  in 2016), the senate and the house would both gain red seats and yet the president would lose the election.

So this is what I think.

After four years of false allegations, a bogus impeachment attempt, and a completely unsympathetic and hostile media, the Trump Administration was still standing and thriving.

And then COVID happened. What was it Rahm Emanual once said about a crisis?

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanual

COVID was that crisis. The fear mongoring started in March and continued well into last week’s election. I still have friends who haven’t left their homes since March and are convinced that only a face mask will save them from the deadly virus lurking in the air at the grocery stores.

Those are the people that stayed home to vote. And those early votes and absentee votes are just rife for miscounts and problems.

And that is how the senile and demented Joe Biden will become the 46th president, and the oldest man to ever hold the office.

A close friend of mine made a prediction. COVID is over in about 90 days. The virus won’t be gone of course, but the overhype about it will be done. It will no longer serve a purpose. Shortly after that, Biden will be done too. He just won’t have the health or the physical and mental ability to stay there any longer.

Enter President Harris, the 47th president.

My Democratic friends are thrilled that Kamala Harris is poised to be the first female president regardless of how she got there. How much better if she had been voted in on her own achievements instead sliding in on Biden’s tattered coattails. But I guess it doesn’t matter to them.

My other thought is, I am now seeing folks on the left on Facebook calling for the country to come together and be one. How? Which one of Biden’s issues and stands can I actually get behind? Maybe the smooth transition of power, but that’s about it. And I haven’t forgotten some of the horrible things that have been said to TRUMP supports or about Trump supporters over the past four years.

So no. Sorry. We can’t come together.

In two years the Republicans will sweep the House and have more seats in the senate. Harris will be stymied in an attempt to get anything too extreme done.

On the up side, at least conservative voters are fun when the protest. They wear cleaner brighter clothes, they give inspirational fact-packed speeches, Chick-Fil-A comes with delicious food, and we pick up our trash when we leave. Heck – conservative protesters leave the place looking better than they found it.

So there’s that.

There’s also this. We won’t be screaming like Jessica Starr back in 2017 at the inauguration. Feelings don’t change facts regardless of how deeply they are felt. Hopefully conservative will learn that we have to change something and I think it’s already started.

Notice the mass exodus from Facebook and Twitter to Parler and Me/We. Thost platforms won’t be able to kick us around any more.

Then there was the unexpected side effect of COVID-19 – homeschooling. More kids are being taught at home than ever and many of them will stay now that their moms have figured out that it works better for their families. And that’s where conservative values can really be passed on. My five adult kids, all voted hard R this time after some of them voting Green Party last time. That gives me a lot of hope for the future.

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