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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 


My governor is a scare mongerer. I think he’s probably a good person, but his press conferences remind me a little bit of this incident with one of my kids. One time Mr. Pete and I got a call that there had been an accident and one of our family members was in the hospital and we should get there as soon as possible. Since we had no one to leave our kids with, I told the oldest, who was a teen at the time, that he was in charge. Immediately, that kid told all the other kids that they had to immediately stay together and march into the basement. To keep them safe, he treated them as a group instead of individuals and laid down martial law. I heard the wails of dissent as we left the house.

Our governor doesn’t know what to do. So he has put mandatory masks on most of the state and has the entire state in the arbitrary color codes of yellow, or red and a few in the purple. Then he quoted Lincoln, Reagan, FDR, and the bible to make his point that this was the best thing to do.

When his medical professional was asked why the very rural states in Ohio couldn’t have at least a green, he said it was because if there was one person in the county who tested positive for COVID- 19, that person could pass it on, therefore the entire county had to be a yellow. What if one person has tuberculosis or AIDS?

It makes absolutely no sense.

By the way, these are the masks I’m wearing. Aren’t they pretty? They aren’t anywhere near medical grade, but hey, they cover my face and nose and isn’t that enough?


So wanting to give Governor DeWine the benefit of a doubt, I decided that I had to get inside his head to understand this pandemic from his perspective. With that in mind, I am currently listening to The Great Influenza, by John Berry.


You know, it’s not as simple as just wearing a mask. One of my friends who is about my vintage, bought a pulse oximeter so that he could measure his blood oxygen levels. He had been feeling lightheaded and a little nauseous from wearing his mask all day. His doctor told him it was like visiting Colorado; you had to get use to the elevation and the thinner oxygen. But my friend wasn’t getting used to it.

So he bought the oximeter and measured his levels after getting into the car after buying groceries. It was at 87%. Normal is between 95 and 100 percent. Under 90 requires medical attention, but his returned to the normal range after a few minutes when he took his mask off.


I heard a great podcast this week featuring the article of Reading While Black.

Masks and puls ox starting homeschool Reading While Black , Esau McCaulley. This comes out in September, but you can pre-order it now. This is a book for Black Christians but recommended for whiet Christians that want to more fully understand the Black Christian experience. What I really liked about Mr. McCaulley’s approach is that first and formost, he proclaims Jesus, and Him Risen. That’s where it should always start. Anyway, it was a delightful interview and I look forward to reading the book.


New homeschoolers have one basic question … Where do I start. If I could only give one book right now for a newbie to read, it would be this one.

It’s so hard for newbies to understand that you are doing HOME schooling, not school at home, and there is a big difference. This is a delightful book to help change that perspective.


For new homeschoolers of older students who might want to know what to have their kids read to get ready for college, this is a good list to start with! Curated by Home Scholar Lee Binz.


The Christian Catholic Shop is having a sale on this gorgeous rosary right now. If you are looking for something special for Christmas, or confirmation next year, this might be something to check out.

Click here

This Breathtaking Amazonite Rosary With Ornate Miraculous Medal  Centerpiece And Crucifix by Catholic Heirlooms.

This magnificently exquisite rosary features stunning 8 mm Genuine Amazonite Stone beads. Features beautiful ornate Miraculous Medal Centerpiece. The approximate length is 80 cm (31.5 in). See here for more information and more pictures.

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