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The one thing I can say about this version of the Catholic Church Sex Scandal 2.0 is – it’s not boring. 

If you are playing along at home these links are pretty interesting.

Does this seem like it’s been playing out all summer? It has!  Here’s the timeline. 

What’s up with Cardinal McCarrick? The New York Times covers that here.  Also here. 

And then Pennsylvania Grand Jury came out with their report looking at 70 years of abuse and naming names.

As we were reeling from that, Bishop Vigano’s Testimonial came out with allegations leading all the way to Pope Francis. 

Al Kresta of Ave Maria Radio has the best resources for the laity to keep up on all the developments on this mess.  You can find that here. 

2. For some levity, check out this link from Jason Berry of the Washington Post. He thinks that one of the ways to get rid of this problem is to elevate someone like Sister Joan Chittister to the ranks of cardinal.

3. The other big thing this week was the life and death of John McCain. I was bemused by the posts of many of my progressively-minded friends extolling the virtues of this man they hated in 2008. Not one of them voted for him that year in the presidential election. 

I also think Sarah Palin is a class act. Although McCain and his family pretty much blamed the loss in 2008 on her selection as VP, she has never had an unkind thing to say about him. She had only good things to say even though she was snubbed for a funeral invite.
I get that McCain was a war hero and suffered greatly as a prisoner of war. But I don’t think 40 years of service as a senator that allowed him to amass quite a fortune is exactly noble public service. How hard can it be to work as a United States Senator when sick old men in their golden years with brain diseases can do it? I can’t honor him for that. This video expresses something closer to my view. (Strong language warning!) 

4. Noah started his junior year and third year on this Division II NCAA cross country year with a time trial. He came in last.

To give you some perspective, the winner had a 4:20 time for the two-mile run. Noah was over a minute slower at 5:30. That’s how tight this competition is. Can you imagine being able to run two miles in under six minutes and still be considered slow? I just can’t fathom it. 

Noah plans to stick it out this season, work his way up to running 100 miles a week, and then compete in the 8K during track season.

Walsh Time Trial 2018

5.  Rosie has her own running issues. She is about 25 pounds heavier – all muscle and bone. She is not running faster and her plateau continues. But sometimes she is running just good enough. She won her age group in a local 5K at the start of the season. And she finished 22 out of 115 girls in her first cross country meet of the year. 

I don’t think this will be a championship year for her. BUT, I think if she can keep working and keep enjoying it, things will work out for her in the future. She is essentially racing with a different body. Learning how to master that will be her biggest challenge this year. 

Cross Country 2018 Goodyear 045
Cross Country 2018 Goodyear 046

6.  A few years ago I shared a link about Jessa Duggar and her first kiss with her husband. Some of the Duggar kids had opted to have their very first kiss at their wedding ceremony. I thought that was very sweet. I had heard of Catholic couples doing something similar. But I never witness it before until recently, and it was…


I think it was very commendable if the couple wished to wait for their first kiss at their wedding ceremony. But there was just a little bit of an “ick” factor to being in the congregation and being told about it and then being in the pew to witness it. It felt intrusive and I felt as if I should look away. I think Jessa Duggar got it right in sharing her first kiss out of the view of her guests!

7.  I taught my first Physical Science Class for the year. My first experiment worked very well and the kids were excited. 


If you’re planning to use Apologia’s Physical Science text and would like to see my syllabus and related Youtube Channel, sign up for my newsletter below. 

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