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Outside my window…

lent 2011

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I am thinking…
about how much work there is to be done on my recital piece – and wondering if I’ll be too nervous to play well.

I’m also thinking that I need to learn how to do my physical therapy at home, because I don’t want to pay the out-of-pocket expenses.

I am thankful…
that Lent will be here in a few weeks!

I am pondering…
the best way to celebrate Candlemas on Friday!

February 2010 002

One of my Favorite Things…

Annotated Dark Shadows Videos on Youtube  If you’re a fan of the old gothic soap opera, these are hysterical!

I am hearing…

In the kitchen…
Italian chicken, potatoes and salad

I am wearing…
Brown pants, purple shirt with brown sweater over.

I am going…

  • Upper body workouts and core for now until my knee is back to normal. 
  • Physical therapy only once this week but asking for a program I can do at home since all of my costs are out of pocket. 
  • add some additional novenas next year with the help of PrayMoreNovenas.com 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations and Intermittent Fasting.  
  • Preparing my general science lesson for Wednesday. We are reviewing and then watching some videos more in depth on skin, muscle and heart. 
  • Working a wedding this weekend – probably the only one until summer time. 
  • Make good use out of my planner from CatholicSistas. I finally got the entire thing copied and put into a binder. I am not an affiliate- I just like their product!
  • Keep practicing my recital pieces. 
  • Concert with Peace Together Choir coming up in February. 

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

Adobe Spark (20)

My Granddaughter is in the Five-in-a- Row curriculum at Co-op and we try to follow through on the days she is with me.

This week in Five-in-a-Row they will be reading


Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op and with the parish choir. 

Rosie is also taking a writing class online using the Once Upon a Time Saint series as the writing

We have a schedule!  Rosie writes her history paper every Monday based on what she has read in her history the week before. Also on Monday, she reads her assignment in Once Upon a Saint. Then on Tuesday she writes her assignment for that class and turns in her paper. Thursday is for revisions.

This semester she is also going to do drama.

A quote to share…

When I was desperately looking for ways to help Calvin learn to read, the Writer’s Jungle by Bravewriter’s Julie Bogart was a source of great inspiration to me. This year, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite parts that really helped me teach my kids to write – from the absolute most recalcitrant writer to the kid who has prose and poetry just dripping out of her!
The Writer’s Jungle  Get Daily Writing Tips Here!

Kids typically stumble upon
surprise in writing because they
aren’t hung up on getting it all
right and dreary for educators.
When they make you laugh or
cause you to pause, celebrate.
They’re on the right track.

 But I remind myself to pay attention because some people give you their heartbreak like a gift. It was a month or so into my grueling chemotherapy regimen when my favorite nurse sat down next to me at the cancer clinic and said softly: “I’ve been meaning to tell you. I lost a baby.”
The way she said “baby,” with the lightest touch, made me understand. She had nurtured a spark of life in her body and held that child in her arms, and somewhere along the way she had been forced to bury that piece of herself in the ground. I might have known by the way she smoothed all my frayed emotions and never pried for details about my illness. She knew what it was like to keep marching long after the world had ended.
Kate Bowler – 

What to Say When You Meetthe Angel of Death at a Party

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