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Outside my window…

Ugh… who cares.  The entire household is down with the flu including me!

I am thinking…
about my son Calvin, and the work that he does as a paramedic. He has seen some truly horrible things  – things that I think would give me nightmares if I had to witness them. Things like a man working out a way to decapitate himself. I asked him if he ever feels like he needs counseling about these things and he said that with working out and taking long walks, he feels fine. Having a great marriage with a loving wife is also very therapeutic for him. As a mom, I’m very proud of him, but I also hate to know that he is witnessing the worst of mankind every week that he is at work.

I am thankful…
that I got to see Calvin and Sarah over the holidays and that they traveled here and back safely. I’m thankful that he has a job that he likes and that he seems to be well suited for. I’m also happy that they remain part of a faith community, which I think is also helpful to them both.

I am pondering…
how we are going to manage this week. I’m sure that the girls have the flu and I’m pretty sure one of my older sons and Miss C has it too.  I don’t think we can babysit as much because we are all recovering!

I am hearing…
my computer – but my ears were a little plugged at church today and I know I was flat on a few notes. Ugh..

In the kitchen…
Beef stew and tacos this week.

I am wearing…
Black yoga pants, black and pink top with pink hoodie.

I am going…

One of my favorite things…

Christmas 2016 040
A family picture around the dinner table inspired by –

Leckrone/ Esquibel dinner
these wonderful pictures from my childhood that I’ve recently come across. This one is so precious to me!

Christmas 2016
Various pictures of my kids with Santa!

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark

    Although we are not going back to all-out school work this week, we do have to start co-op on Wednesday. I could seriously use a complete week off. But the good thing is we will be done with co-op by the end of March!!

    We are going to do a few things differently this semester. We continue to read the Little House books and using the Prairie Primer, so I dropped out of the Co-op science so that we could do projects more closely related to what we are reading.

    I am also actually teaching a course this semester. I have done a lot of teaching in the past – I used to teach ballet class, and I taught CCD for one year. This is my first time teaching Logic though and I’m very happy about it. 

    A quote to share…

    “I’ve wanted life to be easy for you. Easier’n ’twas for me. A man’s heart aches, seein’ his young uns face the world. Knowin’ they got to git their guts tore out, the way his was tore. I wanted to spare you, long as I could. I wanted you to frolic with your yearlin’. I knowed the lonesomeness he eased for you. But ever’ man’s lonesome. What’s he to do then? What’s he to do when he gits knocked down? Why, take it for his share and go on.”

    Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. The Yearling (Aladdin Classics) (pp. 398-399). Aladdin. Kindle Edition.
    A picture to share…

    15727243_10208273702786133_1148758802407725859_n (1)

    The first time these two have been back to this place since their wedding.

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