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Just in time for fall and for homeschooling next year – an explanation of the Electoral College!

Michaela Mavis had a thought provoking post on the one-size-fits all approach to vaccinations:

How the LGBT community changed the rules on adultery by Michael Brown:

Consider this scenario. A married man and father announces that he is leaving his wife and children in order to be “true to himself.” He has found another love, the most genuine love he has ever known, and he has already moved in with his new lover.
How would society react to him? —
“You, sir, are an unfaithful, disloyal adulterer. You should be ashamed of yourself, leaving your wife and kids for another woman.”
He replies, “But it’s not for another woman. It’s for another man. I’m gay and I’ve come to terms with my identity. I won’t go on with the charade any longer, and I’m proud of my decision.”
How does society react now?
“You, sir, are a courageous hero. You have set an example for others to follow, and you should be commended for your boldness and integrity.”
So, if you commit adultery and abandon your family out of heterosexual desires, you are a despicable human being. But if you do it out of homosexual desires, you are a hero and champion. You even become an international celebrity, albeit not without some controversy.

Thought provoking:

100 Great books for Kids!

The Schindler Family responds to the retirement of Bishop Lynch. Bishop Lynch basically stayed out of the way and let one of his innocent people starve to death at the hands of the unjust court system. I remember calling his office while Terry Schiavo was being slowly murdered and was told that he was conveniently out of town. At the same time other brave priests were ministering to Terry and her family.

God is merciful. But He is also just.

“As a Catholic myself, any criticism I offer of Bishop Lynch is rooted in my love for, and obedience to, the role of any bishop in shepherding the faithful,” Schindler begins. “That being said, Bishop Lynch has been a poor moral leader.”
“The worst thing that can happen when you’ve got your hand out for help is for someone to spit in it,” he continued. “In my family’s experience, Bishop Lynch was like the man spitting in the hand of a person in need.”

Schindler recalled his families’ pleas to the bishop for support or for a public statement regarding the immorality of depriving his sister of food and water — an end-of-life practice condemned by Church teaching — which were met instead with “weak platitudes that served to endorse an estranged husband’s death wish for his wife.”

According to Schindler, he will never forget “one of [Bp. Lynch’s] boldest statements, issued in the weeks leading up to [his] sister’s death.” Lynch “didn’t call for mercy for Terri,” he recalls, “or for the continuation of basic care, but, unbelievably, for my family and those fighting for my sister to ‘step back a little and allow some mediation in these final hours’ with those seeking to end my sister’s life. They were only her ‘final hours’ because men like him regarded her right to life as negotiable rather than absolute.”

How to handle an active shooter situation:

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