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  • John Bosco tags: Catholic st.johnbosco
  • A response to Wray Herbert: The Myth of Joyful Parenthood: The Ultimate Cognitive Dissonance? Best comment on the thread:Boo frigging hoo – so? Life is hard. “Professio­nal sacrifice”­? Really? What in G-d’s name are you going to do in your profession that will ever be as important as being a parent? Here’s a clue – parenting is rewarding and joyful. Getting through those hard parts (and the boring parts) gives your life meaning, you’re proving you’re up to the job, and important job, the most important duty you’ve ever gotten. How can any material success, promotion or award compare to successful­ly raising your kid right? Nothing beats that. I have friends without kids, I don’t see them being any happier, mostly the reverse. You want to enjoy being a parent? Than surrender to the role, forget about the money, forget about the lost promotion, just sink into the sea of parenting and don’t fight it, don’t pretend you have an option. It’s really not that hard. This guy has a funny take on having kids vs not having kids. tags: parenting family

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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