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  • Catholic Fire: 12 Tips to a Holier Advent Season plus Advent Resources tags: Catholic advent
  • Catholic Cuisine: Scones for St. Andrew’s Day tags: Catholic advent st.andrew
  • Sweetness and Light – A Celebration of Saints Tree Craft: Advent to Epiphany (or The Presentation) tags: Catholic advent
  • O Night Divine: Advent Cubes tags: Catholic advent artsandcrafts jessetree
  • In These Hills: Making Lanterns for Martinmas tags: Catholic advent martinmas artsandcrafts
  • Catholic Culture : Liturgical Year : Jesse Tree Instructions (Activity) Annotated tags: Catholic advent jessetree
    • JESSE TREE SCRIPTURES (The symbols are only

      December 1 Creation: Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-4
      Symbols: sun, moon, stars, animals, earth
      December 2 Adam and Eve: Gen. 2:7-9,
      18-24 Symbols: tree, man, woman
      December 3 Fall of Man: Gen. 3:1-7 and
      23-24 Symbols: tree, serpent, apple with bite
      December 4 Noah: Gen. 6:5-8,
      13-22; 7:17, 23, 24; 8:1, 6-22 Symbols: ark, animals, dove, rainbow
      December 5 Abraham: Gen.
      12:1-3 Symbols: torch, sword, mountain
      December 6 Isaac: Gen. 22:1-14 Symbols:
      bundle of wood, altar, ram in bush
      December 7 Jacob: Gen. 25:1-34; 28:10-15
      Symbols: kettle, ladder
      December 8 Joseph: Gen. 37:23-28; 45:3-15
      Symbols: bucket, well, silver coins, tunic
      December 9 Moses: Ex. 2:1-10 Symbols: baby in basket, river and rushes
      December 10 Samuel: 1 Sam. 3:1-18 Symbols: lamp, temple
      December 11 Jesse: 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Symbols: crimson robe,
      shepherd’s staff
      December 12 David: 1 Sam. 17:12-51 Symbols: slingshot,
      6-pointed star
      December 13 Solomon: 1 Kings 3:5-14, 16-28 Symbols:
      scales of justice, temple, two babies and sword
      December 14 Joseph: Matt. 1:18-25 Symbols: hammer, saw,
      chisel, angle
      December 15 Mary: Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38 Symbols:
      lily, crown of stars, pierced heart
      December 16 John the Baptist: Mark 1:1-8 Symbols: shell
      with water, river
      On December 17, the Church begins to intensify the preparation for Christmas
      with the use of the “O” Antiphons during the Liturgy of the Hours. The symbols
      for the Jesse Tree from December 17 to 23 are based on the “O” Antiphons.
      December 17 Jesus is Wisdom: Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus in old
      Bibles) 24:2; Wisdom 8:1 Symbols: oil lamp, open book
      December 18 Jesus is Lord: Ex. 3:2; 20:1 Symbols:
      burning bush, stone tablets
      December 19 Jesus is Flower of Jesse: Isaiah 11:1-3
      Symbols: flower, plant with flower
      December 20 Jesus is Key of David: Isaiah 22:22 Symbols:
      key, broken chains
      December 21 Jesus is the Radiant Dawn: Psalm 19:6-7
      (in older Bibles this will be Psalm 18) Symbols: sun rising or
      high in sky
      December 22 Jesus is King of the
      : Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20 Symbols: crown, scepter
      December 23 Jesus is Emmanuel: Isaiah
      7:14; 33:22 Symbols: tablets of stone, chalice and host
      December 24 Jesus is Light of the World:
      John 1:1-14 Symbols: candle, flame, sun

      Activity Source: Jesse Tree
      Kit, A
      by Betsy Walter, Pauline Books and Media, Boston, MA, 1983

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