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Johnny Dollar’s Place featured me as representing the “O’Reilly won the debate” crowd.

Let me be clear- I really, really, REALLY hate it when these hosts yell over their guests! So if I were going to give O’Reilly a grade for the debate – it would be an A for content, but a C for presentation and a D for hospitality! Liberals like to be the name callers and own the art of the ad hominem. I think Conservative views do better to remain clear, consistent and civil!!

On the other hand, where’s the fun in that? and gosh, if anything else, that debate was entertaining.

Now the Gawker thinks Walsh “crushed” O’Reilly. I guess I’d reverse the grades for her. She kept her cool longer, and seemed like a respectful guest at least until they really started tearing into each other. For graciousness a C (would have given her a B but that “you’ll be sorry” comment was pretty juvenile. Had to take a point off for that). Presentation a B because she said a lot of stuff (not answering the question) but she said it clearly. But her content was a D. She had a lot of anecdotal information, but no facts and she admitted to not doing any of the research (i.e. actually reading the case against Tiller)

The Gawker would do well to review the video. He thinks that Walsh won because of the following:

* Remain calm. (yea, she stayed cool for most of it – until she wasn’t starting at 7:27)
* Finish your sentences, even if O’Reilly interrupts you. (At 1:34, 2:03, 7:04
* Do your research and form your soundbites ahead of time.(OMG Look at 2:14. Skimming is not doing solid research. Also see 3:07, and sounds absolutely dumbfounded at 4:24.)
* Don’t raise your voice higher than Bills, or get more emotional. This way, he looks like the crazy one, as nature intended. (2:03 7:27 and then she sounds a bit loony at 7:50
* Leave no charge unanswered, even if it sounds absurd. Especially if it sounds absurd. (7:50)

Gawker can give it to Walsh as a courtesy I guess on style over substance, but on facts, O’Reilly clearly won.

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