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Transcript of Palin, Biden debate – CNN.com

I was able to watch most of it, even though Mr. Pete was lobbying for control of the remote. (He finally gave up and just left the room!)

It’s no secret that I really support Sarah Palin. I wanted her to do well tonight especially after the Gibson/ Couric interviews. The good news is I think she did. I think she decided to just be herself and go for it and I think that came across well to the rest of the country.

Joe Biden did a good job too. He didn’t make any major gaffes, he had a nice smile. Actually I think these two actually could get along very well together if they had to! So I was pleased. I think Sarah’s enthusiasm helped the ticket.

Just as a side note, I’m glad she didn’t wear the red power suit and I’m glad she wore her hair in a more casual style. She looked professional and feminine. Good choices!

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