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It’s very disheartening to currently be in Ohio if you are a conservative. Early voting is going on for everyone in Ohio. Apparently you don’t have to just be a college student, or planning to be on vacation on November 4. But to me it seems with all the talk about election irregularities, the early voting is just another way for election fraud to happen. And it’s happening everywhere. This is like living in a third world country that needs international spectators to come in to make sure the voting is fair.

And some of the fraud has just been spectacularly ridiculous. Mickey Mouse is a registered voter? Or how about the Dallas Cowboys registered in Las Vegas? or the 8500 good citizens who enjoyed their right to vote so much, they apparently are coming back from the dead to do it again!

It’s scary. It’s scary to think that a political party has to cheat on such a large scale just to get their socialist leader into the white house. I think McCain/Palin can run a good campaign in the remaining weeks, but how can they overcome this machine that seems intent on lying and cheating, and doing whatever it takes to defeat them. Sometimes you can’t win over evil – at least not in the short term.

And if Obama gets in with a Democratic congress, we will have a leftist court. Pro-life gains will be turned back 20 years.

Last night I had a hard time staying asleep just thinking about this. I sometimes think God won’t allow this to happen, but then I know that’s not true. In reading the bible it’s clear that many times God let the enemies of His people overcome them, so that they would eventually turn their hearts and minds back to Him. And maybe that is what will happen this time. Maybe it will take a season of what this will bring to make good people wake up and want to take back their country. Maybe it will take years of pro-choicers contracepting and aborting themselves into the minority before righteous children can grow up and undo the damage of their parents and grandparents.

But my heart aches for those babies that will be slaughtered whole sale – not just in the name of “life of the mother” and not hiding under euphamysisms like EIFWAIL, but because it was their mother’s “right” to do so. Behold the season of the Holy Innocents.

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