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Life transitions have never been easy for me. My stomach always hurt before the first day of school, I was a gawky teen, an in secure bride, and a nervous new adult in the workforce for the first time. Motherhood presented its own set of challenges and learning experiences. The transition from mom with young children to mom with tots and teens hasn’t been easy either nor has finding my way on the other side of that Titus 2 woman coin In fact, sometimes that has met disastrous results! Finding my way through middle age hasn’t always been easy for me either.

For some reason then over the past few months, I started thinking about my kind and gentle great grandmother, who was very gentle and smiled readily and didn’t say very much, but when she did she said it so quietly that everyone listened and appreciated her years of wisdom.

Last week I was at mass and I noticed a friend of mine with her new baby sitting on the other side of the church. After mass I went over to speak with her and to admire her precious baby-dumpling little girl, so sweet and so pretty. And quit unexpectedly my friend asked me for some of my thoughts about breastfeeding, which I was happy to share with her. It was such a nice moment. It was nice to talk to another mom about mothering. It was nice to be able to share a little bit of what I had learned in nursing six babies, and it was great to think that what I had learned could be helpful to somebody else.

And I thought about my great grandmother. I probably hadn’t spoken as softly as she did (well, grandma was in her 90s when I knew her!) but I thought that maybe I was experiencing just a little bit of what her life was like when younger women sought her counsel. It would be quite something if I could live up to her example. Maybe her life has some lessons for me about growing older a bit more gracefully than I have in the past.

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