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  • The first Mary Moments Carnival to be held in August!
    tags: catholic, Mary
    • The first official Mary Moments Carnival will be here on August 15. The theme is “Great Books about Mary.” Submit by August 10, using the online submission form (or, if that won’t work for you, email me at peerybingle-at-gmail-dot-com).

      Mary Moments is going to be our chance to sit down together with a cup of tea and reflect on and with our Blessed Mother. You don’t have to be Catholic to participate, and you don’t even have to have a blog – if you have a post you’d like to submit and you don’t have a blog, I would be happy to post them over at just another day of Catholic pondering and link to them there.

      If you have any questions, feel free to email me at peerybingle-at-gmail-dot-com.

  • A realistic essay on preparing for homeschool.
    • We can plan and plan, staring at the computer, thumbing through books, spending too much time on the phone with friends, creating plans for our children.  I know because I have done it.  I have gotten so sucked into the details and the micromanagement of it all that I have failed to see the bigger picture, that it is just another distraction keeping me from doing what is most important, a way to avoid the daily grind or the pain within, in some cases.
    • Instead,  I am using the ideas from Mother of Divine Grace.  I bought the syllabi to use as weekly guides.  I also bought some of the books that I did not already own.  The kids and I really enjoyed a peaceful pace last year, notebooking and delving into certain subjects, leaving time for circle time, handcrafts and nature study.  We plan to do the same this year, only I do not have to find the books or write the plans myself.  I am adding a couple of books for read alouds and circle time that have a waldorfy feel to them as well; some pretty alphabet books, poetry books and one very cool geometry book for my older son.  Otherwise, we are following Laura Berquist’s plans. I feel grateful this year to be able to allow someone else to step in for me as I would probably get little done if I tried to write my own plans this summer and implement them this upcoming fall.
    • Wherever you are in life, whatever your trials, do not be afraid or worry whether you can keep up with the demands of homeschooling.  If it feels too stressful for whatever reason, don’t despair.  Just simplify. Keeping things simple is not neglectful, it is smart.   Keep your eyes on your own work and don’t be discouraged by what you aren’t doing.  Focus on your children and your husband and your home. 

      Oh, and pray really hard. 🙂

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