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It’s an interesting time. After seeing Calvin graduate on Tuesday, I started playing mind games with myself on Wednesday about Sam’s high school education. In the things Sam is really interested in, he got As (and lest you think those are mommy grades, I asked his math tutor, who is a high school math teacher, his piano teacher and the choir director to grade him). But in the courses that he did because I required him to, he didn’t to as well because he didn’t want to do the work. So I struggled yesterday with myself thinking about, would he be better off in school, would he be better off with a packaged curriculum, would it be best if I paid NARHS the $400 to evaluate his work to ensure a proper transcript? I spent a couple hours on the net yesterday evaluating my options.

The other thing nagging me is my leg. I’m not kidding. I am developing some painful varicosities in my right leg and I’m not sure why. And why only the right leg and not the left? To add to my concern, I did a dictation on an elderly lady who just recently had her leg amputated because of vascular problems! Well, that could be me in 30 years! Not fun.

Lastly as I’m ruminating on those two things my Candyland explodes with activity, because Candy is posting stuff like this again. There’s only so much nuttiness I can read before I’m tempted to chalk it up to invincible ignorance and walk away.

So these aren’t super huge things to worry about, but their combination is just wearing.

Psalm 62:5
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.

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