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It’s funny how your mind blocks out some of the unpleasantness of early childhood parenting. Although there are six years between Izzy and Rosie, I had completely forgotten how much time and energy a sick toddler takes up for the mom! So although I am feeling better, my little girl does not and so my attention is still on this nasty stomach bug that took over our lives over a week ago! Rosie seems to be fine during the day with only occasional complaints of a tummy ache. The rest of the time she is doing normal Rosie stuff. She is still filling her diapers and those functions seem to S L O W L Y be returning to normal, but then again last night she threw up (this time at almost 1 a.m.) So I give.

She seems to be sick to death of the BRAT diet. I take that to be a good sign. It means at least she is getting her appetite back. If she could just make it through the day without throwing up on me, the bedding her clothes and everything else within five feet, that would be such a relief!

We are taking a brief break this afternoon to go to Legion of Mary. My friend who usually leads the group will still be in Italy, so the kids and I are helping to run the activities! We will be teaching the Hail Mary in Latin and then praying along with this CD I have of John Paul II praying the rosary! I think that will be something different and educational for them to do.

I have noticed that Noah is picking this Latin stuff up very easily. Maybe he has a gift for language? That would be great but he sure didn’t get it from me!

Anyway my special intentions and thoughts will be on on little Rosie sleeping peacefully tonight and keeping all of her dinner and evening snack inside of her until it is thoroughly digested! Amen!!

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