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I had to make some copies of music for Easter day, as well as copy Sam’s science test. I walked into my local UPS store and went to their dedicated customer copy machine. I have an account there so I put in my account numbers and saw that I had 31 copies left. So I copied the music as well as Sam’s test (as well as the tests for the upcoming chapters), pushed clear and was all done! Since my account is now down to under 30 copies left, I went up the desk, and she added 250 more copies to my account for $15.00. She was also able to check my record and saw that the last time I put copies on my account was July of 2007!

The neat thing is that I can access the copy machine any time even after business hours. I would love to own a copy machine, but for convenience and cost effectiveness without the hassle of maintenance, this is the next best thing.

Works for Me!

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