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A few weeks ago as I was reading my favorite blogs, I noticed that quite a few of the blogs on Typepad had added a daily del.icio.us feature to their blogs. That feature allowed them to surf the web during the day, bookmarking sites that interested them, and the allowing del.icio.us to include those finds on their blogs every day automatically! How cool is that!

I could see all kinds of practical uses for it, particularly on days where I was too busy to actually blog. I also loved the idea of being able to share sites that I found on a daily basis with a minimal amount of work.

Alas, Blogger didn’t allow for the use of a Daily del.icio.us feature. On doing a little research though, I came across Diigo and found Blogger did allow for Diigo to make a daily blog posts. I’ve been using it for the past few weeks and LOVED it.

But Diigo had a few other features that I also enjoyed. First of all it allows me to expert and import sites with my del.icio.us account which was convenient. It also allows me to make a blog post of my finds right away. I can add tags just like with deli.cio.us and that helps me to keep organized. I can also search the finds of others using Diigo. Diigo was originally designed to be helpful to researchers so I find it to be very user friendly.

But the part I REALLY enjoy, is the opportunity to HIGHLIGHT the parts of article I am reading that I find to be interesting or important. If you ever saw a book after I am done with it, you’d see highlighting all over it! I am so happy to be able to extend this habit to my web surfing! I can also add “sticky notes” with my comments on them which is akin to writing in the margins. I love doing that too!

If this is something you might be interested in, check it out! It sure works for me!

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