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My sister was comisurating with me on the phone the other day.

“This is going to be a hard year for you. It’s going to be hard to have Calvin living at home at 18 with one more year of school to go!”

I think if the summer so far is any indication, my sister might be right.

Calvin so far has work, summerschool, swim practice and his social life that are his big concerns. I think work is his number 1 priority because it supports the social life. It’s just so hard to convince him that the other two are just as important, particularly as we get ready for life after highschool. In other words, you can’t be driving in at 12:00 a.m. every night after work and expect your body and mind to be optimal for school work and swim practice!

This weekend is the big Youth Conference down in Steubenville, OH. Calvin and Sam are both going to be there. It’s Sam’s first time and Calvin’s third or fourth time. I’m going to pray had this weekend that this weekend helps both of my boys to get the strength and graces that they need to face the next difficult year ahead in their academics and spiritual lives. I am hoping that their heards and minds are touched while they are at adoration and confession. And particularly for my firstborn, I hope that the summer turns into one of focus and discipline instead of discontent.

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