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If you’ve been following Frankie’s story since her surgery last month, her biggest issue has been her failing kidneys. Her heart seems to be healing well! Frankie’s mom explains it on their web site, but basically because Frankie was on the heart/lung machine so long there may have been some damage to her kidneys. She’s just not making enough urine.

CaringBridge.org – francescafrisone: “Please continue to pray that everyone will make the best decision for Francesca. Although it would be easier to be closer to home, I do not want to compromise her care in any way. Better yet if she just peed we could stop dialysis and just have to contend with the chest tube.”

So if you could pray that her kidney function turns around and that she starts urinating on her own without the need for dialysis, that would be very appreciated. Pray for pee!

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