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From my clippings page.

A wonderful lesson plan for exposing your children to classical music. From the Trivium Academy!

Trinity Prep School has an article about a Catholic church and an Evangelical church around Detroit, that are genuinely and respectfully discussing and debating with each other!

Far from an isolated event, the interview on the Common Ground DVD is part of an on-going dialogue between two large Michigan churches. What follows is a slightly edited December 16, 2006 post from Crossing Nineveva, the blog of Nineveh’s Crossing’s owner, Stan Williams. It will explain the background of how this DVD was originally produced, and what has happened between the two churches through the end of 2006. From the post…titled “COMMON GROUND.”
An amazing ecumenical thing is happening just North of Detroit. The story begins with a large Evangelical Church in Troy, MI called Kensington Community Church. It is a non-denominational, Evangelical-Protestant church modeled successfully after Bill Hybels’ Willow Creek Church near Chicago. Kensington has been growing by leaps and bounds under the leadership of a number of humble and astute men and women and its founding pastor Steve Andrews. Before Pam and I converted to Catholicism, we occasionally attended Kensington (even though it was an hour away) principally for the good music, mini-dramas, practical teachings, and presentation excellence.
A couple of years ago some members and leaders at Kensington became disturbed by the bad rap that a number of the ex-Catholics attending Kensington were giving Catholicism. While the leadership was not going to become Catholic by any means, they definitely considered Catholicism a significant part of Christianity and thought there was a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding taking place.
Kensington’s Spiritual Formation Director (Dan Kopp) started a mid-week small group in his home to talk about the common ground shared by Roman Catholics and Evangelical Protestants — and he refused to allow any Catholic bashing. Dan also created a “Pastors & Priests” seminar that he teaches at Kensington, which looks at what Catholics and Protestants believe and why — including the Pope, the Virgin Mary, confession, and purgatory. This seminar has been going on for a few years now and has seen hundreds attend.

I would like to hear the DVD just to see an example of these two faith leaders confronting their differences with mutual respect and a love of Christ. Maybe it is because these are two educated male leaders doing this project that the tone seems genuine and uplifting – something that in my opinion has been sorely lacking in the blogosphere, particularly among the ladies.

Elizabeth Foss a very nice piece about the importance of Catholic blogs, particularly homeschooling/motherhood blogs to support, encourage and inspire each other!

At the same time Danielle Bean asks us to be real!

In the blogosphere though, you can be criticized for either one of those things! Particularly from other women. (Gals, why are we so hard on each other?)

Alice Cantrell had this wonderful quote and analysis on her blog!

They must retrench; that did not admit of a doubt. But she was very anxious to have it done with the least possible pain to him and Elizabeth. She drew up plans of economy, she made exact calculations…”

Speaking of things financial and changing our plans, Tricia over on Blogging Away Debt blogs about a gentleman who won the trip of a lifetime, but turned it down because he didn’t want to go into debt paying the taxes on the trip’s value!! Smart Guy!

Still focusing on finances and the family, if you missed it the first time, Large Family Logistics reposts the Easy Menu Plan ! while Barb at SFO Mom blogs about groceries!

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