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Ukok reminded me of a story that my grandmother use to tell,about something that happened to her as the chuch secretary. I thought I would share it as a little light fare before Lent.

My grandmother was the secretary at her parish during the time they were building a new church and razing the old one. As you can imagine, it was a very busy time as well as a tad emotional and confusing as items were moved from one church into the other one.

One day while Grandma was on erands for the pastor, the new crucifix was delivered to the rectory. The pastor was so thrilled, he opened the boxes and had the corpus of Christ laying on the floor separate from the cross. He was admiring their new piece as it lay there and was talking with one of the workers about where and when they were going to hang it in the new church. He left the office to go out and speak with them further.

My Grandmother, unaware of this special delivery, walked into the office and was seriously startled to find a semi-nude figure laying sprawled on the floor, and she screamed so loudly that Father and the other men came running to see what was the matter. Of course in short order they all realized what had happened, but Father playfully teased my Grandmother about the incident during the rest of their time together. Truth be told, I don’t think Grandma minded too much as she told the story several times and with quite a twinkle in her eye as she told it!

I’m sure every church secretary has a gem or two like that to tell!

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