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Slow blogging today. I have a ton of work to do, Gabe has an art show, I have to rehears with the choir, oh…and it’s my birthday… ahem…

Anyway don’t be bored! You can read the entire discussion about what folks wear to church with the links below.

The discussion started here, really got going here, and caught fire here! I’ve got some scriptures about this that I will be posting later.

That got me thinking about the choices of clothing modern women have. Colleen over at Dressing with Dignity blogs on this all the time and has a ton of wonderful links to check out! So if the above discussion inspires you, go and read over at Colleen’s blog!

Also, you might have noticed that big long blue thing on my left side bar – it’s called co-commenting. Basically any comment I make on another blog (except halo scan commenting for some reason) I can send the comment back to my own blog. So if any of those comments or discussions look interesting to you, just click on them and you can read the rest of the discussion.

Although I might not have time to post a lot, I read lots of interesting things on other blogs and save them on my Bloglines Clip Blog. You can always access that by clicking on the big blue letter B on my right side bar.

And lastly, go shopping!!! I have added a lot of affiliate sites. Every purchase made through one of those vendors really does help out my family, more than you know!

Have a great Thursday!

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