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Update Via the True Marriage Web Site

MacFarlane v. MacFarlane Argued in Ohio

The critical case of MacFarlane v. MacFarlane was argued in the Ohio Court of Appeals yesterday, May 31, 2006. Professor Safranek argued on behalf of Mrs. MacFarlane who is seeking to have the Ohio courts abstain from deciding issues regarding her marriage until the Catholic Church’s courts can determine the matter.

Arguing in front of a packed courtroom, Professor Safranek explained to the judges that the Catholic Courts have the ability to decide the issues decided by the state courts. Opposing counsel took the position that the “Catholic marriage ceremony” was essentially mere puffery; arguing that the real thing was the divorce decree decided by the state. Of course, the divorce decree can only be important because the marriage is real. Only if it creates a real contract can the divorce decree sever it.

The argument lasted past the alloted time and the judges asked numerous questions.

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