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There’s a lot of talk in some parts of the blogosphere about the ABC show Grey’s Anatomy.

As a drama, it’s okay. As a medical show it sort of sucks. It’s more like a prime time PG13 General Hospital than an ER. There tends to be more interesting stuff going on behind the desk than in front of it.

This week’s episode got my attention because it involved one of the medical staff, Dr. Bailey, in labor, trying to have her first baby while her husband has been injured quite severely in a car accident. Dr. Bailey gets so upset about her husband’s condition that she simply shuts down and won’t do anything to help her body deliver her baby.

OK here’s the deal. I’ve done labor and the pushing thing 5 times. You can’t NOT push when your body takes over and says it’s time to push. Oh I guess you can push ineffectively, position your body so that the contractions aren’t as strong, or even fight the contractions, but your uterus is going to contract and there’s not a whole hell of a lot you can do on your own to stop it. That said, while Dr. Bailey is trying to deal with the news about her husband and being overwhelmed with the entire situation, her OB just tells the nurse to go get the OR ready.

And millions of American women nod their head in agreement – yep, Dr. Bailey needs a C-section.

No she doesn’t. There is no medical reason for Dr. Bailey at that point in her labor to have a C-section. And you know what? That happens everyday in labor rooms across the country. Medical staffs don’t know how to coach a woman through labor. They do know how to do surgery. In fact, in many ways they are much more comfortable with surgery. That’s a known entity for them, and THEY can’t control the WOMAN’s body as well with just labor.

Luckily for Dr. Bailey, George – a med student- shows a little common sense, compassion and support and helps Dr. Bailey deliver her child vaginally. Funny how the gorgeous woman OB, with all of her skills and credentials, didn’t try that first.

Just for the sake of discussion (because I love to talk in what ifs), what if Dr. Bailey had had a C-section instead? With her husband coming through major surgery after a trauma, there would be 2 parents recovering from major surgery. Bailey would be in a good deal of pain and taking strong pain killers. She would be in a good deal of discomfort trying to take care of her baby and then after 2 days (when most insurances send you home) she would have to fend for herself and her baby as well as meeting the needs of her recouperating husband. Oh and did I mention there would be no driving for a week at least either?

C-section always seems like the safest, easiest, best way on TV to have a baby. I think a lot of women in real life think that it is as well. It’s not. I’ve given birth both ways several times. There’s no comparison.

I’m glad Grey’s anatomy let Dr. Bailey have her baby naturally. I’m glad they essentially showed how a supported childbirth with a doula (which is sort of what the George character became) can be so beneficial to the mother and child. Sometime I would really like to see a character on t.v. actually recovering from a C-section with all its risks and problems. That really would make for a good medical episode!

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