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From the Open Book Comments

The whole argument that “you pro-lifers don’t care about anybody after they’re born!”, is completely spurious, whether or not the “not caring” premise is true. A simple response would be, “So, if we did start caring more about born people to your satisfaction, then you’d be for outlawing abortion, right?” Of course, 99.9% of the time the answer is “no”. To which the proper response is, “Then why do you bring up an emotionally manipulative red herring? That’s quite dishonest.” If the answer were instead, “yes”, then the proper response is, “So your position is essentially, ‘Be nice or we’ll kill the kids?'” Either way the argument is entirely empty.

Of course I realize the real world is not a logic class, but it always helps to know the truth…

Way to go Matteo!!

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