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You have lost your faith. Just admit it. One either accepts the hierarchy of truths and the hierarchy of authority, or she doesn’t. You obviously don’t. In such case by continuing to call yourself Catholic you are gambling with the most precious of all birthrights, your own soul; and it’s yours to lose. I can understand that it is not politically correct to care about your immortal soul-prescription drug benefits are more popular in Washington-but at least have the decency not to make the souls of others “twice as fit for hell” as you. Have you forgotten about the millstone? The Lord delivered that image to another group of sophisticated public officials who scandalized the weak in faith.

All those who dare call themselves Catholic while shamelessly advocating the death of Christ’s “least brethren” will not have the Supreme Court to appeal to on the Day of Judgment. There is a Supreme Judge that you should be more concerned about. However, He obliges no one to remain in the Catholic Church. Membership is, above all, a free “choice.” The door of the Church that opens wide to welcome every repentant sinner swings both ways. In the Name of Jesus, use it and spare the rest of us your perversity.

There’s a lot of hand ringing around St. Blog’s about what a meanie Father Tom apparently is. Frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach. Here are my comments on that blog.

Here are my comments on the Disputations blog.

I found the letter refreshingly frank and to the point, not like some of the “pastoral” letters that make you rub your head and go “what the heck does he mean?!!

What most of the commenters seems to forget is that these 48 legislators support the slaughter of tiny babies in their mother’s womb and use their positions accordingly. I can’t imagine that if it were the murder of 1-year-old babies, or the elderly, or homosexuals, or minorities, or the mentally retarded, or any other group, that any of you would demand anything less than the strongest of words of admonishment – especially from a leaderin Human LIFE International.

I’m with Paul – I’m going to send a donation to HLI!!

I rather imagine Father Tom to be a lot like St. John Vianney. St. John was known to kick people out of the confessional for not being truly sorry yet for the sins they were confessing!!

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