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I love Advent and Lent for the very reason that they involve a spiritual and physical readiness for a great gift of Jesus Christ.

As I readied my children, my household and myself this Advent I gave a lot of thought to the time I have spent on this earth and the time that I have left. Time is so fleeting and so precious yet in the moment it can seem so long and monotonous that we come to take for granted that there will be more and more of it. For my own sake and the sake of my family I find that I need to make the most of the time I have, and with that time I need to guard my heart and my thoughts more closely, particularly on the internet.

For that reason I have removed some blogs from my bloglines subscriptions. As the church prepares for the gift of the precious Baby Jesus, I can’t read about a blogger’s conceived embryos that are to be donated to “research” after the new year because their parents have no further need of them. To me those little ones are babies and the thought of abandoning them makes me sad and sick.

Nor will my conscience give me rest as I read about how “wise and good” it was to “heart prick” (a euphemism for intracardiac injection of potassium chloride that involves puncturing the chest wall, pericardium and the heart itself, sometimes requiring multiple stab attempts) to end the life of an unborn child. I just can’t read that stuff any more. I can’t be the lone pro-life voice right now. God forgive me, but I need a break from it this Christmas.

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