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Most of these blogs were new to me but I really enjoyed visiting their sites and am planning to add them to my blog rolls. I wanted to put them here though to share with all of you!

1. Best Biblical Exhortation: Biblical Woman Hood

2. Best Design – Contemporary: Keel the Pot

3. Best Design – Traditional: Classical Education for Me.

4. Best Discussion: St. Blog’s ownMartha, Martha!

5. Best Encourager: Quiet Life

6. Best Frugality: Life in a Shoe

7. Best Homemaking: Large Family Logistics

8. Best Homeschooling: Guilt Free Homeschooling

9. Best Humor: Amy’s Humble Musings

10. Best meet for Mocha!: The Common Room

11. Best Motherhood: Choosing Home

12. Best Quiet Spirit: Quiet Life

13. Best cooking: Baking Sheet

14. Best Variety: Amy’s Humble Musings

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