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A stillness enveloped her, a breathless moment, then, wings of a mighty angel enfolded her,
exuding drops of blood … consolation beyond all agony!
Mary, Mater Dolorosa.

Tomorrow’s commemoration is for Mary, Our Sorrowful Mother. I started marking this special day on the liturgical calendar when I lost my son Raphael in stillbirth. Our church has a little shrine to the Sorrowful Mother and every year I put a little plant or flower on the shrine and pray. I found a very unique plant this year. It’s a little brightly colored pepper plant! It has dozens of little thin peppers growing on it and it looks so fruitful and alive. I guess this year I want to thank Mary for taking my from the sorrow of my loss and allowing me to mother once more, my dear little baby girl Rosie. And although Rosie fills my arms and my heart I will never forget Raphael.

This prayer has much special meaning for me.
Mary, my mother, obtain for me, I beg you, the grace of a holy resignation. Obtain for me the grace to understand this trial which is so hard for me to bear. I know that God in his all-wise providence has seen that it is for the best. Yet it is hard for me to bear the grief I feel. I come too you,dear mother, comforter of the afflicted and constant aid of those who trust in you. I know that you can obtain for me the peace and resignation that I seek. I confide in you entirely in this my tribulation and sorrow. You know the meaning of a mother’s love, and can understand the dept of my affliction. Be to me a tender and protecting mother. For now, dear Mother Mary, I feel more than ever the need of your motherly love and sweet consolation.

Mary sorrowing, Mary of all Christians, pray for us!

From a Mother’s Manual

Jeremiah 31:15

15 This is what the LORD says:
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
mourning and great weeping,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because her children are no more.”

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