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Interview with Catholic author Dr. Richard Purtill by Ignatius Insight

Wilson: Tolkien was a Catholic, and a close friend of Lewis, and influential in Lewis’ conversion from an atheist. Why do you think C.S. Lewis did not become Catholic?

Purtill: That’s a good question. Joseph Pierce has written a book about it [C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church]. I suspect partly it was due to his upbringing in Northern Ireland. One of his friends said he had a “skunner,” that is, a prejudice against the Catholics. He never quite overcame that. But his brother, Warnie, who had a drinking problem, often stayed with Roman Catholic nuns in Ireland. Somebody gave a metaphor that Lewis was like a church bell: he calls people into the Church, but he stays outside. It may be that his staying outside enabled him to reach more people who eventually came into the Church. Many of his friends and students did eventually come into the Church.

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