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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. Had a 3 o’clock wedding today. I have never had one this early on a Friday afternoon before and I wondered if anyone would show up to such an early event. But it was actually very well attended. I’ve worked at Saturday weddings that had much less! You just never know what you’re going to get. Each wedding is so different. It sure helps when the bride is confident, quiet and organized like this one was.

2. The wedding people had to scoot out of the church pretty quickly because confessions started promptly at 4. We have three priests in our parish right now and they all go to their confessionals at the appointed time regardless if there are just a few people for confession or great lines winding around the church. I like to go to the retired priest. He always stops me to pray with him and asks me questions about my life. Today even did a fist pump – I’m sure some of the kids at the day school must have taught him that! This particular priest knew John Paul II personally when they were both priests. Later he was asked to say mass with John Paul II after he became pope. I thought that was pretty cool.

3. So I took advantage of the opportunity and went to confession right after the wedding. Father S. has the keen sense of getting to the real nitty gritty of what I am trying to tell him, and he usually finds it in the parts of my confession that I tend to downplay. He’s like a skilled surgeon with a scalpel.

4. When I was coming out of the confessional a gentleman who was one of the wedding guests asked me about our church’s patron, St. Sebastian. He wanted to know who he was, so I asked him if he would like me to tell him the story. “No, I can look it up in the bible,” says he. I didn’t know if he was kidding or not but I decided to give him the benefit of a doubt and cheerfully told him the story.

St. Sebastian Pictures, Images and Photos

He then asked about St. Patrick because we have a statue of him too. But he seemed really the most interested in where either of these saints were in the bible. I referred him to our stained glass windows – which reference great chunks of the bible in their colorful goodness.

5. So Raphael’s 8th birthday is around the corner. Whether it was coincidence or fate, I found these blogs and have found myself captivated by the storytelling, the grief and the coping. It’s so weird to think that almost 8 years ago, that was me.

6. My lumber auction ended yesterday for somewhat less than we had hoped but we are going to go through with the cutting anyway. As it turns out, old forests are nice, but older trees lose their value over time and apparently some of our trees peaked a while ago. So we will salvage what value we can in this lousy market and make plans for making the most of the rest of the property.

7. Over the last couple of years I have been the unofficial photographer for our CYO cross country team. I have been learning by doing, particularly after I got my DSLR camera. This year, I really think I improved a lot! In my opinion, this is one of my best pics of the season!

fall2010 602

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