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Friends have asked me about the flip house – progress is slow but sure. Mr. Pete has put in all of the canned ceiling lights and Izzy had done a lot of the insulating.  This is what the kitching looks like now. I hear drywalling could start next week.

Rosie was begging me for swimming lessons, and frankly, I wanted her to have more skill in the water than just Red Cross Level 2!  So I signed her up for a Level 3 swim class that was four weeks long with 8 classes in total.  She completely loved it and passed the test on to Level 4!
She swims too!  Level 4 swimmer now!
That probably won’t happen until after cross country season, but will be good cross training between cross country and track!

3.  Long-time readers will know that my oldest daughter Izzy is a very good painter.  But Rosie is coming into her own as well!  This is Rosie’s latest piece!

Rosie art.

4. College orientations are happening all over the state.  I went with Noah to his a few weeks ago. We opened with prayer and then half an hour of praise and worship music and I felt right at home.  Then we went to placement testing  for Noah and a breakout sessions for the parents.

One talk really stood out to me – the biggest problem that the campus police face at Walsh University – is parking!  There are enough parking spaces at the school, but not all of them are close. If you are willing to walk a bit, there is a place for you to park.  But if that’s the biggest problem on campus, then they are truly blessed!

One of the police officers gave an impromptu speech. He came before us and said he had worked at Kent State for years and was about ready to give up police work because he disliked his job so much. But a friend urged him to come to Walsh and he now loves his job so much, he asks for extra hours!  That’s just what this mother’s ears needed to hear! And apparently other parents felt the same because he actually got applause!

5. Surprisingly, Noah got placed into a remedial math class. The boy doesn’t test well, I know that, but I also know that he does great on his math work and understands math concepts.  When I say “remedial” math, I mean that even I opened the book and thought it was easy – and I’m not a math person.

But my wise daughter-in-law, who just went through all of this within the past few years, suggested that he take the class anyway to get a good foundation and a good GPA score, as well as to build his confidence for college work. Since he also has a writing class that will be pretty challenging, it might not be such a bad idea to have a good math review instead of forging ahead with college math. He still gets credit – it just doesn’t apply to his core courses.

6. We had seven Yucca stalks this year!  A record.  The original Yucca came from the farm in Michigan I grew up on, and then one of those babies came with us to Ohio – and has thrived over the past 30 some years!
July 2016 047

7. On my blog Facebook page, a woman recently inquired, “Why don’t you color your hair and at least look employable?”

I get a lot of compliments on my hair, all the time. It’s in great condition because it hasn’t been exposed to a lot of chemicals, and is very soft. I’m not 20 or 30 or 40 and I think it looks silly to try to pretend that I am. I’m also pretty sure that if I want to go out and find a job, I can look “employable.”

Black dress from 1988

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