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We continue to homeschool over the summer months because I simply do not like feeling stressed out in the winter when we have to miss a day (or a week) because of illness or other events. Those three extra months give me the breathing room I need during the rest of the year. But certainly homeschooling in June, July and August is a bit different than the rest of the year. Here are some times for making your homeschool experience in the summertime a good one!

1. Start earlier in the day. This is particularly important if you live in a neighborhood and will be having neighbor kids knocking on your door to invite your kids out to play! Get the tough stuff done in the morning when it is easier to concentrate!

2. Although I homeschool all year I do have goals and deadlines. The kids have to get their math books and phonics books done before the end of the August. If they get it done before then, they have more free time in their day before September! or they can get a head start on next year’s work. Choose whatever will work best with your student.

3. Include the neighborhood kids! Last year I picked out a book and told the kids that I was going to read aloud all summer long. The older boys complained about it, told me how dumb the book was, and then showed up every day to hear it! I also try to include the neighbors as much as possible in putting on plays and art projects!

4. Field trips are educational! So don’t be afraid to include a trip to the zoo, or the museum (where it’s air conditioned).

5. For older kids include a movie or two! I showed my kids some of the old Twilight zones (wow talk about conversation starters for ethical dilemmas) and some Shakespeare! Have a weekly movie day, invite the neighbor kids and expand everyone’s horizons!

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