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A mom tells the story of her daughter’s short life and how they dealt with the grief of having a baby with anomalies incompatible with life, and how they took what was given and cherished it. What stands out for me is the Godliness of their OB:

Olivia’s Story – Telling Our Children: “We continued to see my regular OB, Dr. Harper and he was wonderful. He was very compassionate and such an understanding gentleman who was determined to accommodate our wishes. He is a man of noble character, a very godly gentleman who truly cared for us and this baby. From the beginning of her diagnosis, he saw Olivia as a human being and never once suggested terminating. I don�t believe he would ever suggest that in any circumstance. He saw us as a family facing adversity and could see the love we had for this baby. I know God chose Dr. Harper to walk this road with us. He shared with us that he had been praying for Olivia to be free from T18.”

Read the whole story here.

HT: Meet for Mocha winner- Barb Curtis!

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