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10 Tips for Preparing Your Christmas Cards – Christmas Organizing: “Have a collection box to put envelopes you receive from family

and friends who you send cards to at Christmas.

Make a list of people you would like to send cards to.

Divide these lists into 3 sections: must send, want to send,

and would like to send.

Begin looking for your cards or making cards as early as possible.

Put your return address on all the envelopes.

Decide what date you want your cards to be mailed on.

Divide your list by the number of weeks you have until them.

Work on that many cards each week – especially if you are making

them – or if you have them purchased work on addressing them.

Address all your must send cards first and have them ready to

mail before working on the other 2 lists.

Buy your Christmas stamps early! You will have a shorter line

at the post office! “

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