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MzEllen, a semifrequent commenter here picked up my sola scriptura ball and ran with it over to her blog.

I had discussions on that pillar of Protestantism here, here, and my favorite here.

You can see further discussion on Ellen’s blog here and here.

Because I have no desire to drag this out into senseless and meaningless debate (again), I am placing limits on the debate. Each person entering into the debate will have a limit of 5 posts in which to put forth their arguments/rebuttals. This includes me (but not posts regarding administrative stuff). There is a limit of 40 posts in this thread, at which point comments will be turned off. (I don’t expect to have that many, since this is a new blog and I don’t think I have that many visitors, but it seems like enough time for whoever might pass by to get their word in). You may defend the doctrine, the problems, the reasons, the reasons for suppressing. As long as it pertains to “sola Scriptura”, it is not off topic in this thread.

Because of her not so subtle ad hominems against me, and because she never really addressed my original points anyway, I’ll pass. Any budding apologists out there! Go For IT! Don’t say I never sent readers your way Ellen!
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