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I have been remiss in not pointing out that there is a very good blog available with information of interest to Catholics regarding President Bush, called Catholics for President George W. Bush.

It was there that I found this wonderful quote from Bishop Sean O’Malley and I whole heartedly agree!

“I will not vote for any politician who will promote abortion or the culture of death, no matter how appealing the rest of his or her program might be. They are wolves in sheep’s garments, the K.K.K. without the sheets.”

If I were ever tempted to vote for simply selfish reasons, tribal allegiances, or economic advantages rather than on the moral direction of the country, I should beat a hasty retreat from the curtain of the polling booth to the curtain of the confessional.”

-Archbishop Sean O’Malley

That’s the main reason to support President Bush in November in my opinion.

Please consider supporting President Bush’s re-election campaign with your time, talent and some of your treasure.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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